
WhatsApp Business API:
improve your customer experience 24/7

Connect your brand with your customers and join the most used communication channel in the world
push notifications

Brands like Atlético de Madrid and Bankinter trust indigitall as their Whatsapp Business API provider

See success stories

How it works
Answer your clients questions immediately and automatized way
Your customer has a question
Get rid of wait time and answer your customers enquiry right away 24/7
The enquiry is sent on WhatsApp
Using the most direct and easy channel for your customers
The chatbot answers with AI
Using our Machine Learning technology and a catalog of frequently asked questions, many enquiries are resolved on the moment.
Transfer to a support agent
If the chatbot has not been able to solve the custormers enquiry, it will automatically be transfered to an agent.

Customer Support in an instant

Thanks to the WhatsApp Business API channel, you can improve the customer service process through:
chek_down  Instant answers: waiting times are avoided compared to other channels, which saves valuable time for you and customer. 
chek_down  Improvement of consumer satisfaction: due to the ease and natural speed of the channel.
chek_down  Fewer limitations: since your customers location or time zone wont be relevant thanks to automation.

Save resources

Automation with our AI chatbot technology

Our chatbot technology can solve a large percentage of client enquiries thanks to a catalog of frequently asked questions and AI algorithms, which are::
chek_down  Personalized and automated answers that are personalised and relevant to each client. 
chek_down  Resource saving: since many of the questions are resolved before reaching customer support.

Contact center

Easy conversation management

Indigitalls WhatsApp service includes a Contact Center so that you can easily and quickly manage all communications with your clients and:
chek_down  Manage enriched conversations: bidirectional, including media and documents.
chek_down  Manage chats: transfer conversations to other agents who can accept or reject them.

Chat supervisor

Supervision, chats and agent management

With the chat supervisor you can get an overview of all communications and agents. It allows you to:
chek_down  Monitor, transfer and end conversations.
chek_down  Change the status of the agents to "available" or "not available".

Success stories
These brands have added WhatsApp as a communication channel with great success
Atlético de Madrid
The first soccer club to integrate WhatsApp as a communication channel for their fans to be more accesible and achieving good results. WhatsApp (Facebook) has published it as a success story on its website
Bankinter, a renowned and successful Spanish bank known as a reference in digital banking, decided to create with us an automated virtual assistant to solve the most frequently asked questions of their clients in a matter of seconds.
Europes third largest food sector franchiser trusted also indigitall as provider of the WhatsApp channel. Now the can quickly answer questions related to their products and stories in real time making it easier for their customers.
Envialia is one of the leaders in parcel distribution worldwide. Thanks to the integration of the WhatsApp channel, they can quickly answer questions related to their shipments, products and services.

Why choose to indigitall

Experts in technology and Marketing Automation

Fast channel integration
Choose indigitall as your provider and get your WhatsApp channel running in a matter of days.
Good references
Atlético de Madrid and Bankinter have chosen us as their WhatsApp channel provider
Multichannel solution
We offer a multi-channel solution through our plattform with many functionalities.
Maximum security
All messages are encrypted. Furthermore, your data is safe and protected.
Want to see how it works and start your own?
Write us and start using our platform with WhatsApp Business API as the preferred channel for your clients