Retail / Catering

Use cases


The Retail Sector increasingly leverages its sales strategy through its digital channels: being able to make its products, offers and promotions known in this environment is key in order to increase its sales, whether online or offline.

In this context, establishing efficient and personal communication with its users through their applications and websites is revealing itself as a key and strategic key. Defining the “push customer journeys” in which this effective communication is relevant is an exercise that must be tackled with a strategic vision to build up loyalty among/capture its Customers. Among the multiple use cases, we would like to highlight the following:

1) Operational and segmented communications.

Communications based on the Customer’s daily transactions, such as “we have just received your order” or “your order is in process”, or reactivation messages in the event that the customer leaves the shopping cart.

2) Geolocated communications and geofencing.

One of the Retail Sector’s goals is to attract the Customer to the point of sale. To do so, knowing where they are located is essential, since it allows us very different actions based on geolocation, such as communicating when:

a. The Customer is near one of the shops/restaurants and we inform them of a discount or a promotion.

b. We want to execute a campaign in a specific zone (neighbourhood, city, country) to communicate openings of new shops/restaurants.

c. The Customer enters a shopping centre, in order to refer them to our shop/restaurant.

3) Commercial communications enriched and segmented based on the Customer’s preferences. Examples:

a. Communication of segmented offers: discounts, promotions, 2x1.

b. Christmas, Black Friday, VAT-free Day, Halloween commercial campaigns.

c. Catalogue, newsletter, magazine.

d. Sending of coupons, discount codes, etc.

4) Interactive communications in order to learn Customers’ preferences and for satisfaction surveys.

Our solution, through interactive notifications, enables us to ask about the Customer’s preferences, in order to keep them informed about them at all times. It also enables us to conduct real time surveys to measure the degree of our Customers’ satisfaction with our products and services.

5) Notifications inbox.

Very important so that the Customer can always recover all those notifications sent and remember actions pending, proposals and offers.

6) ...And always with an image!

Communications are much more effective and impactful if they are accompanied by an image. Greater trust and security are generated and messages and proposals are retained much better. Communications with an image are of a much higher quality and generate more positive stimuli for customers.

These are some of the use case examples of communications through the indigitall solution, but there are many more. For more information, you can get in touch with us via the following address: